WordMasters BLUE – Fall 2007 – Session 1 – Grade 4


Short definition of the word*

sample sentence using the word

(see also: connected WordMaster words)


floating free, aimless, wandering

The boat was adrift since there was no wind for the sails and the motor was broken.

(see also: astray, baffle, perplex)


off course, off track, off the path, lost & wandering

They were paying attention to the fall colors, went astray, and became completely lost.

(see also: adrift, baffle, perplex)


confuse, mystify

He was baffled by most of the questions on the test.

(see also: adrift, perplex, astray, entangle)


mistake, goof, error

His biggest blunder was never telling her he wanted to be friends with her.

(see also: glitch, jam, trudge, entangle)


sudden hard rain, downpour

The lightening started and the drizzle became a cloudburst.


cheer up, comfort, calm, sooth

The only one who could console her was her puppy dog.


confused, shocked, dizzy

We knew he was baffled by the dazed look on his face.

(see also: fatigue, mute, hardy, numb)


to trap, snare, caught-up in a trap

Each lie is another blunder that gets you more entangled in deceit.

(see also: blunder, glitch, trudge, entangle)


weak, tired, exhausted

Their blunder turned the walk into a six hour hike ending with total fatigue and numb hands and toes.

(see also: mute, hardy, dazed, numb)


fussy, picky, choosy

She was so finicky about what to eat that she never had a balanced, nutritious meal.


minor problem, small malfunction

There was a glitch in the projector that made the movie blurry and jumpy.

(see also: blunder, jam, trudge)


show how, direct, steer, lead

The most popular book this year is the guide to dealing with baffling social problems.


sudden breeze, puff of wind

The thunderstorm had strong gusts and a cloudburst.


tough, strong, a plant that can survive winter

The northern Native American tribes were a resourceful and hardy people.

(see also: fatigue, mute, dazed, numb)


inactive, at rest, unused

Too much idle time leads to boredom.


1)     in trouble, in a tight spot, having difficulty  
After being adrift for days and his food running low, he knew he was in a real jam.
(see also: blunder, glitch, trudge, entangle)

2)    pack together, cram into a small space
When she packed for camp, she had to jam everything into one small bag.

3)    a sweet preserved fruit spread
Her favorite sandwich was peanut butter and jam.


1)     silent, unable to speak (fatigue, hardy, dazed, numb)
She was so baffled and perplexed that she became temporarily mute.

2)    to make something silent
”Alexander, please press the TV mute button while I’m on the phone.”


without feeling, insensitive

Their blunder turned the walk into a six hour hike ending with total fatigue and numb hands and toes.

(see also: fatigue, mute, hardy, dazed)


to rest on, land on, roost

The birds perched on the wood perch and the plastic perch, but not the metal perch.


confuse, confound, baffle, stymie

For everything that can perplex you, someone has written a guide book to help you understand.

(see also: baffle, adrift, astray, entangle)


self importance, self esteem

It is good to have pride in your work, but don’t over-do it and become uppity and a braggart.

(see also: strut, uppity)


1)     walk with pride, swagger, march
She was mute about her grade, but her strut showed she got an A plus on the test.
(see also: pride, uppity)

2)    a support bar, usually metal
The wheel strut broke and the tire fell off.


difficult walk, like through mud or snow

The surprise snow storm meant he had to trudge home instead of riding his bike.

(see also: blunder, jam, glitch)


arrogant, vain, full of pride, bragging

It is good to have pride in your work, but don’t over-do it and become uppity and a braggart.

(see also: pride, strut)


smell,  trace

They were perplexed by not finding fire after the whiff of smoke.